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Tantalizing Tips to Help You Grow Bluebells in No Time

How To Grow Bluebells

Are you looking to plant English bluebells in your garden? These European natives are some of the easiest bulbs to grow – a prime example of a ‘plant it and forget it’ flower. Gardening expert Madison Moulton discusses everything you need to grow a few bluebells, or your own woodland field of flowers, right in your backyard.

If you’re looking to recreate the calming, natural woodland feel in your own garden, you can’t go wrong planting bluebells. These stunning blue bulbs transform European forest floors into seas of blue throughout spring and will make just as much of an impact in pots or your flower beds.


, this bulb is usually known as the English bluebell, common bluebell, or wild hyacinth. These woodland plants are not to be confused with

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Their ease of growth and tolerance of shade makes them ideal plants for many gardeners, especially beginners. Choose one, mix them with other popular bulbs, or plant an entire field – the options are endless.

These bulbs, native to western Europe, were dubbedHyacinthus non-scriptusby the founder of binomial scientific naming, Carl Linnaeus. This genus is commonly known as hyacinths – an incredibly popular garden bulb.

50 years later, two German scientists changed the genus toScilla, another bulb genus found across woodlands in Europe. Unfortunately, the scientific uncertainty didn’t stop there. Another 50 years later, a different German scientist transferred the plant to theEndymiongenus. That’s why you may still find this plant under the namesEndymion non-scriptusorScilla non-scriptatoday.

Bluebell: Most Popular Trick For Plantation

Most wild bluebells are found across the United Kingdom and hold a rich history in this area.Severalfolklore storieshave been passed down for generations, such as the belief that bluebell woodlands are inhabited by fairies. This also gave them the nickname fairy flowers.

These folklore fairies are not known to play nice. According to legends, bluebells ring to call the fairies. If a human hears this bell, they will be visited by fairies and face an untimely death. Similarly, children with a desire to pick bluebells are warned that if they do, they will likely disappear, never to be seen again.

Apart from these dark and twisted warnings, bluebells are beloved across the UK and in Europe– somewhat of an unofficial national flower. Walking through bluebell fields is a wonderful pastime. But, beware not to disturb the fairies, or face the consequences.

Bluebell Grow Guide

While used as garden plants often, most bluebells are found in the wild. More than half of these wild bluebells can be found in woodlands around England. While their origin story is somewhat unclear, people believe these bluebell woodlands started springing up following the end of the last ice age.

Due to their age – some are known to be hundreds of years old – these spaces are usually protected to prevent their decline. In some areas, these bulbs are considered endangered in their natural habitats. As a result, it is illegal to remove bluebell bulbs from the wild and plant them in your own garden or sell them off, according to the Wildlife and Countryside Act of the United Kingdom.

While part of the same genus, English bluebells and Spanish bluebells are not the same plant. This distinction is important, asSpanish bluebellstend to be more invasivein some regions than their English counterparts.

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Both plants look quite similar but can be easily distinguished in spring by their flower type. English bluebell flowers are darker and curl over whereas Spanish bluebell flowers are lighter and remain upright. English bluebells are also slightly shorter than Spanish ones. 

There are two ways to propagate bluebells:by sowing seeds or dividing bulbs. Propagating from seeds is the simplest method and provides the most natural look in the garden. Dividing is slightly more technical but produces quicker results.

Bluebellseeds will be ready around mid to late summer. In the wild, these seeds spread via the wind to create the fields of flowers we see today. If you’re looking to replicate that style, leaving them to propagate on their own is the easiest way to achieve carpets of blue.

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However, if you’d like to plant your bluebell seeds in another part of the garden, you can simply collect the seeds when they are ready and replant them.Replicate natural propagation by sprinkling the seeds over well-composted soiland keeping the area cool until germination. If planting in pots, you can also start the seeds in trays.


The seeds willtake a few months to germinate, and will only flower in about two to five years. You also run the risk of growing a plant that is not a pure English bluebell if any hybridization has taken place. The only way to ensure an exact replica of your current plant is to divide the bulbs or to grow from seeds purchased from a nursery.

Seedscan also be started in trays indoors but will require a bit more care and attention. Sow several seeds into trays filled with a soilless seedling mix. You can purchase from your local nursery or make your own using coconut coir and perlite.

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Cover with a plastic bag and keep the soil moist for about a month before moving the tray into the fridge for around six weeks. This will replicate the natural germination conditions, triggering growth in the plant.

After six weeks, bring the tray back out and continue to grow indoors until the seeds have germinated. This process usually takes several months, but can take longer than a year before the seedlings are ready to be transplanted.

If your plant is already established andyou’re looking for faster results from propagation, bulb division is your answer. This also ensures you get an exact copy of the existing plant rather than a hybrid as when planting from seed.

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Take a look at your bed for signs of bulb offsets shooting up above the ground.When you begin to see the bulb above ground rather than below it, you can begin the process of dividing. This is best done in late summer when the leaves of the plant have died back.

Dig up the entire plant gently by loosening the soil around it with a fork. Dig carefully to avoid damaging the bulb you are pulling up, or any surrounding bulbs.


Once the plant is out of the ground, shake off the soil. The offsets should be clearly visible.Simply remove these from the main bulb with your hands to prepare for planting.

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Loosen the soil of the planting site and clear the area of any debris. If planting in poor-quality soil, amend it with plenty of compost before starting.Replant the offsets immediatelyafter removing them to stop them from drying out.

Bluebells arebest planted in fall to prepare for flowering in spring. You can purchase bulbs from your local nursery or potted plants to transplant into your garden. You can also purchase seeds to sow straight into the ground or in trays, but these plants will take several years to grow before flowering.

Bulbs should be planted with the root side down. If planted the wrong way around, they will not grow. Push the bulbs into the soil a few inches down and cover with soil.

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Container bluebells can simply be transplanted into the ground at the same depth as the container they came in.Ensure the soil at the bottom of the planting hole is loose and airy to encourage the deep rot system to grow downwards.

For a neater look, you canspace them around five inches apart. This gives them plenty of space to grow and allows you to plant with a more formal design in mind.

However, if you’re after the woodland feel, grouped planting appears far more natural. This can be achieved by grouping the bulbs together in clumps at planting time. Alternatively, you can use my favorite method – chance. Grab all the bulbs into one hand and throw them in the air around the garden bed. Wherever the bulbs land is wherever you plant them.


Tips On Spring Planting Bulbs

For gardeners not in a hurry, planting seeds is the easiest way to ensure your bluebell bed looks natural. Simply sprinkle your seeds on top of the soil and keep well-watered until germination. Leave flowering plants to set seed and spread around the bed for even more plants in later years.

In order to successfully grow bluebells in your garden, you’ll need the right combination of light, water, soil, climate, and fertilization. Let’s take a look at each of these important factors so you understand how to maximize the growth of your flowers this season.

To best replicate their natural conditions, plant bluebells in spots with dappled shade. They are great for planting under trees that aren’t too dense, as their habitat indicates. Areas that receive some morning sun with afternoon shade are also suitable.

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While dappled light is ideal, it’s not every gardener’s reality. Luckily, these bulbs can tolerate a range of lighting conditions. They are known to grow in open fields where they remain in full sun positions for a large part of the day. They can also tolerate full shade, although areas with at least some light throughout the day are better than deep shade areas.

Bluebells are not particularly thirsty plants. Theydo need moist soil for optimal growth, but too much moisture can

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