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You Wont Believe What Every Single Thing in the Universe is Made of

All Matter Is Made Up Of

The universe is thought to consist of three types of substance normal matter dark matter and dark energy normal matter consists of the atoms that make up stars planets human beings and every other visible object in the universe

It s clear that hd 140283 aka the methuselah star is ancient because it is made almost entirely of hydrogen and helium the predominant elements in existence in the aftermath of the big bang


In the following minutes an era called nucleosynthesis protons and neutrons collided and produced the earliest elements hydrogen helium and traces of lithium and beryllium after five minutes most of today s helium had formed and the universe had expanded and cooled enough that further element formation stopped

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Or will it strangely enough some cosmologists believe a previous cold dark empty universe like the one which lies in our far future could have been the source of our very own big bang

Proverbs 16 has a bunch of these verses in it why would he choose the die is cast into the lap it s because he s trying to think of the most random thing he could think of and he says that so randomness is not random to god god is not the least taxed by keeping every sub nuclear particle in its place

In a very real way all of physics is on display even inside a single atom here s what they can tell us about the universe from macroscopic scales down to subatomic ones the sizes of the

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In less than a billionth of a billionth of a second that pinpoint of a universe expanded to more than a billion billion times its original size through a process called cosmological

1 the big bang is the explosion that began our universe every time we look out at a distant galaxy in the universe and try to measure what its light is doing we see the same pattern emerge the

The timeline of the universe can be divided into 6 stages the first stage at t 0 is the birth of the universe started from perhaps a singularity 13 8 billion years ago stage 2 is cosmic

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The definition of trusting something is believing in its reliability so there s a catch here the universe is certainly reliable sun comes up sun goes down gravity works etc but the


What is the universe made of the universe contains all the energy and matter there is much of the observable matter in the universe takes the form of individual atoms of hydrogen which is the simplest atomic element made of only a proton and an electron if the atom also contains a neutron it is instead called deuterium

From what we know every single thing everything in the universe is made from the same thing so yes stars can be considered as living organisms

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Around 13 8 billion years ago all the matter in the universe emerged from a single minute point or singularity in a violent burst this expanded at an astonishingly high rate and

Short answer we don t really know how the universe was created though most astrophysicists believe it started with the big bang


Answer 1 of 16 i am copy pasting my answer to a similar question about the origin of the universe here it is every single human being on earth has a very powerful intuition that something cannot come out of nothing we perceive a universe that is mind boggling in its infinity so the scient

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Radiation in the early universe was so intense that colliding photons could form pairs of particles made of matter and antimatter which is like regular matter in every way except with the

Elie wiesel 1 people ask does the universe have a purpose but they re really asking is there a higher power that created everything including me for a higher purpose people worry that

Solipsism technically is an extreme form of skepticism at once utterly illogical and irrefutable it holds that you are the only conscious being in existence the cosmos sprang into


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In the world of science it goes without saying that the study of cosmology is truly baffling with the cosmos being so vast we truly don t know the full ex

Answer 1 of 54 you said it is hard to believe because it seems to me that even on the ground nothing will do itself many people believed in zeus god saints and other imaginary friends so it is not that difficult to believe that things can evolve from simpler things by natural selection

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